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Border Bushwalking Club – Wild Horse Creek

Sat 30 Mar, 2024

Wild Horse Creek is on Track 107 about 10kms from the carpark at Watchbed Creek, where this walk begins. We will initially follow a management track before veering off and following the pole line and Kelly Track to Fitzgeralds and Kelly Hut. This part of the walk is fairly flat and has great views. At Kelly Hut we join Track 107 and descend to Wild Horse Creek, where we will have lunch. After the climb back up to Kelly Hut we will make the return trip back to the cars via the Aquaduct Track but this will depend on a number of factors including the weather. All up about 20kms/23km via aquaduct on way back.

  • Grade 3 Medium
  • Leader: Deb
  • Phone: 0410047884 before 8pm
  • Participant numbers:Up to 10
  • Final booking date: Wednesday 27th March
  • For more information and updates about BBC activities, check www.borderbushwalkingclub.com.au

