We Need to Talk About Science

By Janien Ferguson, Albury City Council

What is going on in the world of science? Climate change, genetically modified food, windmills, vaccination…why do some issues in science become so contentious and how do we address each other’s concerns in a respectful way while communicating the facts and benefits of the science?

We often hear about amazing breakthroughs and innovations in the news but how do we  really get to understand the detail of what is going on? How do the non-scientists among us get informed and how do scientists best communicate their work to us? How do we sort the wheat from the chaff?

For many of us, engaging in the conversations around some aspects of science and new technologies can be just a bit too daunting but Craig Cormick has devoted his career to helping fill in the gaps as a science communicator.  He has undertaken research and written on the issues around our attitudes to new technologies and the differing ways in which we become informed, or not, about what is happening in the world of science.

Craig is president of Australian Science Communicators, the national forum for science communicators and science journalists and has worked for CSIRO, Questacon and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. He has represented the Australian Government at many international science forums including APEC and OECD conferences and now he is coming to Albury to share his insights at the LibraryMuseum on Thursday 16 August from 5.30 to 7pm as part of National Science Week celebrations

Not content with communicating on the real world, Craig also likes to write across different fiction styles – from children’s stories to science fiction and fantasy!

Join us for a fascinating evening of discussion with the man whose eclectic mix of works is both inspiring and informative.

Craig Cormack: We need to talk about Science

Click to view flyer as PDFDr Craig Cormick
Albury LibraryMuseum
Thursday 16 August 5.30-7pm

Bookingslearningoutreach@alburycity.nsw.gov.au or 02 6023 8333

This is a free event.

 National Science Week 11 – 19 August 2018