Living Lightly column

Stop Adani film night

By Olivia Noto, StopAdani Albury-Wodonga

If anyone tries to tell you that moving house days before Christmas with a teething baby is a good idea, they’re lying. But as it turned out, last year my family and I became the latest ‘tree changers’ to move from Melbourne to Wodonga, rejoicing in its fresh air, wide open spaces and clear starry nights.

Another bonus of moving to a regional town is the sense of community. Albury-Wodonga is the perfect size to participate politically in ways that matter.

While pushing the pram at a local fun run, I saw a group holding up an enormous STOP ADANI sign, and have since got involved with their campaign against the building of the massive Queensland Carmichael coal mine by Indian company Adani.

When it is clear that carbon emissions are causing climate change, why would Australia want to build one of the biggest coal mines in the world? Ameilia Telford, Co-Director of Seed, an Aboriginal youth group fighting for climate justice, put it like this;

“It’s crazy to be in Australia in a country that is continuing and will continue to witness the impacts of climate change – droughts, flooding, heat waves, sea level rise, as well as the pollution and destruction of the land – it’s crazy that our government is even considering building this mine.”

Surely greed and short-term monetary gain for a select few would never be chosen over, oh, you know, the long-term wellbeing of the entire planet? Right?

And yet this mine epitomises precisely that.

As a new mum, I’m scared about whether the state of the planet my daughter will grow up in will be livable, breathable and safe. When Barack Obama says that climate change is the biggest global security risk we face, it doesn’t take much to join the dots and realise that without fresh water and food, people will take up arms and fight to survive.

If you care about this issue or want to learn more, please come along to a free screening of the new documentary StopAdani: A Mighty Force, from 5.00-6.30pm (including light supper and discussion), Sunday 22 April at St Stephens Church, Wodonga. Please RSVP by 20 April at or 6024 2108. We look forward to seeing you there.