Make a difference

By Tess Middleton, Fin Free Albury Wodonga

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

So many people question how they can make a difference; they feel they must need to be a part of a large organisation to do their part or truly make a difference, that one person’s actions couldn’t possibly make a difference. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Yes you can join local, national or global organisations; you can join your local Fin Free chapter, simply by liking their Facebook pages, which would be jawsome!

But in actual fact you can make a difference on your own and it is as simple as having an educated conversation with someone and making informed choices! When you order fish and chips, all you need to do is choose a sustainable option, like Salmon, Whiting or Flathead and say no to Flake, Hake and Blue Grenadier.  Not only are these sustainable options better for the environment but they are better for your health too! No one wants their fish and chips with a side of mercury now do they?! You could even ask the shopkeeper to stop selling flake!

Petitions are also a wonderful way of showing support in the time it takes for a kettle to boil!

If you take supplements for arthritis, inflammation or even cancer, big brand companies would have you believe that shark cartilage capsules and shark liver oil will alleviate the symptoms for these illnesses.

Shark cartilage capsules are made from the dried up cartilage of dead sharks (essentially the sharks “skin”). However, it can cause nausea, fatigue, low blood pressure, high blood sugar, vomiting and dizziness. Why put your body through all of that when flaxseed, turmeric and nettles, just to name a few, do an even better job and with no nasty side effects?

Flaxseed is one of the best sources of Omega 3 and perfect for fighting inflammation.

Turmeric is an extremely effective anti-inflammatory herb and pain reliever.

Nettles contain calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamins A, C, D and B. Striking the inflamed joint with a fresh cutting will help relieve joint pain!

Whatever you choose to do, remember that every good choice you make, no matter how small it seems, is doing your body and the world, the world of good!

Have a fintastic day!