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Albury Wodonga Knitting Nannas for Renewables

Knitting Nannas for Renewables

By Jen Huber, Albury Wodonga Knitting Nannas for Renewables

Albury Wodonga Knitting Nannas for Renewables are a group of grandmothers who want the best for our kids and grandkids, as we all do.

We are very aware that we are in difficult times and that action is needed. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) latest report states that the inadequate global action means the Earth is heading towards catastrophic warming of over 2°C. This is not the situation we want to leave our grandkids.

We all must take responsibility, all individuals, corporations, and government. I am proud of Australians who have stepped up and put solar on the roof or recycled whatever they could. This is something that every section of society must step up to. We understand that the simplest way to do this is to electrify everything and to produce electricity from renewable resources. Coal is the biggest driver of climate change.

I am concerned that some corporations present themselves as doing their bit. The National Australia Bank has an excellent climate policy stating the aim to act as a catalyst for climate action, supporting emissions reduction and aligning with pathways to net zero by 2050. Unfortunately, they also put profit before this policy and are planning to finance the doubling of the Whitehaven Coal mine in NSW.

As a Knitting Nanna, I want to warn NAB that they will produce terrible reputational damage. People do not appreciate a corporation saying one thing and doing another. As customers we trust our bank, we expect it to have our backs. Would we expect them to loan us money for a mortgage and the home be damaged by floods or fire that their lending patterns exacerbated?

On Thursday 30 Mach, the Knitting Nannas with other concerned citizens will meet outside the Wodonga NAB between 11 and 11.45 and in Albury between 12.30 – 1.15 to open the conversation with customers and the community.  We would like the bank to understand our concerns and to align their policies with their actions. Please join us then, or discus this at your NAB branch any time.

Action Thursday 30 March

o   11 – 11.45 am outside NAB Wodonga

o   12.30 – 1.15 pm outside NAB Albury

Albury Wodonga Knitting Nannas for Renewables