Federal Election Candidates Living Lightly

WITH the Federal election fast approaching, candidates for Indi and Farrer were asked to reflect on the ways they contribute to living lightly on our planet.

The North-East Regional Sustainability Alliance (NERSA), which provides a weekly column to Pulse about how Border residents can live more sustainably, encouraged candidates to address four key themes; vegetable gardening, water conservation, energy efficiency and connection to place.

The response was huge.

It’s a telling reflection on the increasing importance of environmental issues on both the wider political platform and right here in our own backyards.

From computerised watering systems to solar heating, from worm farms to sinking worms in the Murray River, there was a plethora of ways candidates had found to live lightly and enjoy the environment.

In most cases the enthusiastic responses meant not every word could make it.

But hopefully what did will be an inspiration to everyone — no matter what your political persuasion — that every little bit helps when it comes to creating a sustainable future.

And it starts with that first little step.

See below for each of the candidates’ responses.

Thanks to Matthew Charles-Jones and Karen Bowley who co-ordinated this special for NERSA. It appeared in the Pulse section of the Border Mail on Saturday 24 August.


Click an image or here to view a larger PDF file containing all four pages at a higher resolution.