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Border Bushwalking Club -The Big Walk in winter

Sun 17 Jul, 2022 | 6:00 am - 6:00 pm

Forward planning – date may change a week or two one way or the other as we get closer.

The objective of this walk is to walk up into a light dusting of snow up the top of Buffalo – I think the chalet looks magical with a light dusting on it. We timed this right between lock-downs in 2020 and it was one of my favourite hikes for the year. Hopefully we’ll get the timing right again this year.

The walk starts at the carpark at the Park entry, and climbs steadily to the Gorge, is approx. 22km return and all on well-formed walking tracks.

Risks: even if we don’t have snow, there is likely to be patches of ice on the track higher up (I’ve previously found some and landed heavily on my back).

The track is likely to be very slippery on the mud and tree bark (especially the first/last 3km).

Bring a thermos and plenty of winter gear.

Note that this is grade 4 medium-hard as the likely cold/wet/slippery/icy conditions add difficulty to what is already quite a big walk.

  • Leader: David G
  • Phone: 0432 632 142 after 7pm the Monday-Wednesday leading up to the walk please.
  • For more information and updates about BBC activities, check www.borderbushwalkingclub.com.au 


Date & Time:

Sun 17 Jul, 2022 | 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
