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Border Bushwalking Club -Falls Creek Gourmet taster day walk

Sat 29 Apr, 2023 | 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

This is a day walk at Falls Creek for those who want to see what Gourmets get up to on their weekend. We will join Bernadette’s Gourmets for an easyish walk from Pretty Valley to Tawonga Huts (4 km, all on track, some hills) and watch and learn how they set up camp and start the preparations for the evening’s feast. Then we will return to the cars.

This is an ideal walk for those who can’t spare a weekend or don’t want to carry a great big pack, and those who are thinking they would like to give a weekend backpack a go at some time in the future.

Because we’re in an alpine area near the start of winter you will need warm clothes and a good waterproof, just in case.

Please phone me to discuss the walk and book in if you are interested in coming. No SMS or email bookings, please.

    • Grade 2 Easy-Medium
    • Leader: Eileen Clark
    • Phone: 0412 042 195
    • Participant numbers:8
    • Final booking date: Wednesday 26 April
    • Key risks & hazards: Cold wet and windy weather; slippery or muddy tracks.
    • For more information and updates about BBC activities, check www.borderbushwalkingclub.com.au
