Eco-Living @ the Grove: Friday, 31 October

By Michelle Wilkinson, Sustainability Officer, City of Wodonga

Ever just wanted to ask someone a quick question about your house design or utility bill?  Or talk to someone for some ‘quick tips’ about growing some veggies?  Come along to Woodland Grove in Wodonga from 10.00am to 3.00pm on Friday October 31st to find out simple ways to live ‘greener’.  This free community event will showcase a number of stalls to promote these ideas, including:  veggie growing, water saving tips, ‘time banking’ and ‘speed dating’ an architect or utility bill expert. Bring along your house or property plans and learn how to design or retrofit your home to make it as energy efficient as possible. If you’re confused about your electricity bill or want some personalised advice on how to reduce it, book a date with our energy assessors. The same goes for water bills, with a representative from NE Water on hand to study your bill and talk you through it.

You can also check out what local leaders will be doing to live ‘greener’ themselves, then make a ‘pledge’ to do the same yourselves. Can you guess which local leader has pledged to walk to work? Who’s committed to using reusable coffee cups? Our leaders’ photoboard will tell you all you need to know.

Costa Georgiadis from ABC TV’s Gardening Australia will be at Woodland Grove from 11am – 1pm. Get your picture taken with ‘Costa’ the scarecrow, learn how to make a water-saving wicking pot or check out the new local food produce guide. At 12.30pm Costa will be joined by the mayor of Wodonga, Rodney Wangman, for the opening of Wodonga’s first public edible planting; a mandarin tree and assorted vegetables in Elgin Boulevard.

In addition to these activities on Friday, Wodonga will also be hosting events with a building and energy focus at The Cube from 10.00am-1.30pm on Wednesday 29 October. Learn about energy saving lighting and water-efficient fittings at the Learning Communities mobile trailer. Hear presentations on building an energy efficient home, sourcing recycled building materials and how a local registered club achieved massive savings on their energy bills.

Living Lightly readers know that ‘little things do make a difference’ and often save money. Hopefully you’ll pick up few more ideas during these events and others – all part of the Border’s inaugural Sustainable Living Week – and all free of charge. We hope to see you there.

For more information visit