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Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Totally Renewable Yackandandah (TRY) is a community group, formed at the beginning of 2014 as a result of a community energy forum in Yackandandah, organised by Indigo Shire Council. TRY has brought together community members passionate about the notion of powering their town with 100 per cent renewable energy, and aims to achieve this by the year 2022.

To succeed, the group will be looking to work with organisations, businesses, individuals in the community and energy stakeholders to firstly, reduce their energy consumption, and secondly, enable renewable energy generation and storage.

TRY is committed to assisting members of the local community to not only implement strategies to radically reduce household and business energy consumption, but also eliminate the consumption of fossil fuels by sourcing, generating and storing electricity from renewable sources. TRY also envisions its work will strengthen the cohesion and resilience of the local community.