Inland Rivers Network

The Inland Rivers Network (“IRN”) is a coalition of environment groups and individuals that has been advocating for healthy rivers, wetlands and groundwater in the Murray-Darling Basin since 1991.

The mission is to ensure the ecological sustainability of riverine ecosystems n the Murray-Darling Basin, particularly within NSW

IRN has been advocating on behalf of native fish, water birds, wetlands, Aboriginal cultural values and downstream communities in the Basin for a fairer share of water and a return to the natural variability of our inland river systems.

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan is the outcome of many years of campaigning by communities and conservationists to restore the river system back to health. The Plan is now at a critical stage of implementation.

The years of over-extraction and over-development of irrigated agriculture on the world’s driest inhabited continent has caused long-term damage to our rivers, wetlands, floodplains, native fish, water birds and other animal species.

IRN is currently focusing on the implementation of the Basin Plan as a member of the Lifeblood Alliance. This is a broad alliance of Aboriginal communities, conservationists, floodplain graziers, recreational and commercial fisherman, birdwatchers, tourism operators and downstream communities relying on a fair share of water.

To see some of our current activities go to:

To contact the Network call: 0428 817 282 or mail to: PO 528, PYRMONT NSW 2009