Gum Swamp Reserve (Walla Walla) Management Committee

Gum Swamp Reserve is a nationally significant wetland, located two kilometres north of Walla Walla, NSW

Gum Swamp Reserve is a High Conservation Area, listed in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia. It is managed by the Gum Swamp Reserve Management Committee, a Section 355 Committee for the Greater Hume Shire.

Gum Swamp consists of a River Red Gum swamp woodland surrounded by a Grassy Box woodland.

The River Red Gum swamp woodland contains fabulous original old large hollow-bearing trees, ringed by regrowth with various sedges, rushes and grasses.  When the swamp fills, 4 years out of 10, there are a variety of aquatic plants such as nardoo and water ribbons. Once full it usually retains some water throughout the summer.

The Grassy Box woodland above the flood line is made up of both Yellow Box and Grey Box.

The wide variety in plant species provides habitat for a multitude of birds, possums, bats and reptiles. Numerous threatened species including the Squirrel Glider, Brown Tree Creeper, Grey-crowned Babbler, Brolga, White-bellied sea-eagle and the Fishing Bat are found at Gum Swamp.

The reserve is a favourite for bush walking, camping, picnicking, horse riding and birdwatching at any time of the year. When water levels allow, Gum Swamp has a rich history as a canoeing destination for the community.