Gardens for Wildlife Albury Wodonga

By creating your ‘Garden for Wildlife’, even if is just a few plantings or designating a small corner of your garden, you can contribute to bringing nature home, by encouraging wildlife to share your garden within a healthy environment.

Providing habitat in the garden is not only valuable in itself, it can also link to habitat nearby, providing safe corridors or ‘stepping stones‘, along which animals can move from place to place.

Creating a garden to attract birds, frogs, lizards, insects and other animals doesn’t necessarily mean having a garden with ‘scraggy’ native vegetation. Your garden can be as formal or informal as you wish – for instance, you may wish to retain exotic plants or keep a vegetable garden.  The object is simply to provide a natural haven for local wildlife.

Gardens for Wildlife Albury-Wodonga host a range of activities and events. Keep an eye on Ecoportal event listings and/or follow us on our Facebook page:

Gardens for Wildlife operates under the auspices of Wodonga Urban Landcare Network.