Blitzin’ the Border Albury Wodonga PERMABLITZ Project is an initiative of Goodlife Community Co-operative.
Our vision is to assist in building a network of diverse and empowered communities across the Border region by focusing on creating edible gardens on verges, in homes, schools and public / community spaces.
Our objectives are to
- provide opportunities for likeminded people to get together and share their skills and knowledge related to permaculture and sustainable living in a lively and fun community building context
- provide a FUN and creative learning environment for children
- reduce living costs and landfill
- get some exercise
- build a better world TOGETHER and have a lot of FUN
Permablitzes are free with free workshops and free YUMMY FOOD. Everyone is welcome including people who are isolated, people from NESB, people with a disability or anyone dealing with mental health issues. We ALL have something valuable to offer!
We look forward to welcoming you to Blitzin’ the Border Albury Wodonga PERMABLITZ.