Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability Group (BULS)

Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability Group love growing food, planting trees, riding bikes, building nesting boxes, swapping seeds and general hearty goodness. We are a community driven, not for profit group auspiced by Landcare Australia. BULS is run by a volunteer committee, and we’d love for you to join us.

The objectives of the group as expressed in its Local Area Plan are to:

  • encourage greater community awareness of Beechworth’s native plants and animals
  • promote sustainable practices within Beechworth (eg reduce – re-use – recycle; water tanks, solar power, alternative houses)
  • promote organic practices in Beechworth
  • develop environmental education programs together with other community groups and schools
  • work in partnership with other Beechworth community groups (eg Shire, BNC, CFA).