Connect with Fellow Fair Food Followers

By Jade Miles, Beechworth Food Co-op

Now in its third year, the North East Fair Food Farmers and Followers gathering on Sunday, February 24 is a gritty convergence of like-minded local people who embrace, support and farm fair. A day of connection, sharing, learning and solidarity, it’s an uplifting event that truly celebrates food and all its magnificence.

Discomfort about our shared ecological future is indeed a growing sentiment for so many reasons and we all make change and reassure ourselves via the approach that fits best with each of us, whether this is by minimising plastic, growing veggie gardens, donating to the RSPCA, buying fair trade where possible.

Whatever your sentiment, one thing remains true – eating is at the core of our existence and as one of the largest global contributors to climate change, the power that each of us has in our decision of what we eat is profound.

The difference we can make by simply eating locally grown, seasonal food and getting to know and support our farmers is immense. Not only does it shorten supply chains, minimise freight, reduce reliance on plastic, keep dollars local and build regional resilience, but it secures food sovereignty.

This year’s gathering starts with a keynote speaker from ‘Local Food Loop’ and is followed by 10 speed speakers from across the region sharing their stories of farming and other connection initiatives.

A shared potluck lunch is without doubt the most raucous and joyous part of the day and provides a great chance for everyone to really banter before the afternoon sessions, which will divide the gathering into two to three groups to discuss topics that the group decide to give attention to on the day.

Fast paced and engaging, the day is a great chance to meet like-minded people and discuss the opportunities and challenges of creating a fairer food system. Attendees gather from a broad range of sectors: farmers, chefs, value adders and eaters!

The day, held at the Stanley Memorial Hall, is designed to be informative, naturally unstructured, open-minded and a chance to meet others who are on the same page.

For more information, and to purchase your tickets to this lively local event, go to “Fair Food Farmers and Followers Gathering” on Eventbrite.