Be Great and Create for Christmas

By Gill Baker and friends, NERSA (North East Region Sustainability Alliance)

One of the problems with trying to live lightly is the fact that rampant consumerism is such a large part of 21st century lifestyle.  It’s in your face wherever you turn. The large stores are full of ‘stuff’ for Christmas, with any real meaning lost among the gloss and glitter.  Supermarkets have shelves dedicated to ‘Christmas goodies’ with use by dates months ahead.  I do wonder why these goodies last so much longer than my home made cookies.  Must be a secret ingredient! 

Children are particularly susceptible to the clever display and marketing, and can be easily drawn in to a frenzy of wanting.

So we need to teach them that there are other ways to make such celebrations special. 

Sarah (11), Matilda and Erin (both 10), Cynthia (9) and Shylah (6) put this article together following a craft and activity day during the school holidays run by a some ladies in Eldorado who regularly run an activity day for any kids who want to come. 

Why waste money buying Christmas cards when you can make your own and save.  If you buy a packet of cards you can never really find the cards you like.  If you make them you can personalise them and make them to your liking.  Here are our 3 easy steps on how to make your own Christmas cards.

  1. You need some paper or card cut to the size you want and folded in half.
  2. Collect together glue, pictures cut from old cards, textas, glitter, glue, ribbon or bits of material you can find at home.  Decorate the front of the card.
  3. Try to write different things for each card.

Making decorations from household items is fun. Paint half egg shells with faces to make ‘egg babies’ then hang on a wire coat hanger like a mobile, or they can be decorated with glitter.

Cardboard cylinders can be painted and decorated with glitter and tinsel and set in paper plates with gum nuts, cotton wool or sprayed pine cones, or hung as mobiles.

A coat hanger Santa is fun. Pull a wire hanger into a square and cover with white paper (crepe paper is best).  The bottom point is Santa’s chin.  Fold red paper across the top and form into Santa’s cap, and stick a cotton wool ball on the tip.  Draw eyes, nose and a smiley mouth on the face and add a cotton wool moustache.  Hang the cheery Santa’s around your home.