Autumn and winter

By Roger Findlay, Gerogery West

For me this time of the year is the best. We are so fortunate having beautiful places like Beechworth, Mount Beauty and Bright that seem to come to life through the cool seasons.

Out here at Gerogery West the vegetable gardens are thriving with winter greens, snow peas, beetroot, celery, potatoes and more. The chestnuts finished several weeks ago but they are tucked away in the freezer ready for use in a soup or home brewed beer.

Citrus and olive trees are bearing well too and even the rabbits are appearing again after vanishing during the hot summer.

My wife has filled the cupboards with preserves. I’m so lucky having someone that uses everything we produce. With the wood fire blazing and the aroma from a pot on the stove I am left guessing what I’ll be eating next!

Even if you don’t have your own produce you can still prepare a decent, low cost, meal. Cheaper cuts of meat, pasta, dried beans, lentils, brown rice, pumpkin etc. all spring to mind. Basic soups and stews can be prepared by anyone. Involve your children; they will remember it forever and share it with their children later in life.

To ward off colds I suggest you eat plenty of oily fish, garlic and green vegetables. By putting a slice of ginger in a cup of hot water and adding a teaspoon of good quality honey you will have a comforting bedtime drink.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy yourself on a cold day. I make sure I have borrowed plenty of magazines from the Public Library. Reading costs nothing and takes you into another world. The Grass Roots magazine takes me to a different planet of alternative living and is my favourite.

Cool sunny days are ideal for walking and outdoor activities. There’s nothing like being dressed for the cold. With warm feet and a warm head you won’t feel the cold and that’s why it’s important to wear thick socks and a hat.

Knitting a colourful beanie or scarf for a friend or relative would be the perfect relaxation. My grandmother always found time to knit. Why can’t we?

Did I hear you mention the TV and internet? I thought so.