Border Bushwalking Club

The Border Bushwalking club has been an active outdoor club in the Albury Wodonga area since it was established in 1978.

The Rules (Constitution) state that:

The purposes for which the Association is established are:

  • To gather together people of similar interests in bushwalking and other outdoor activities.
  • To provide information, instructions and advice on all matters concerned with walking and other outdoor activities.
  • To arrange walks, ski-tours and journeys and promote social activity amongst members.
  • To preserve and protect Australian flora, fauna and natural beauty places

Member s and visitors enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities including:

  • Day walks
  • Overnight backpack walks
  • Extended backpacking trips
  • Canoe trips
  • Bike rides
  • Snowshoeing
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Overseas trips

Monthly Club Nights are held on the first Tuesday of the month (except December and January) at the Wodonga Senior Citizens’ Hall, Havelock Street Wodonga at 7.00pm for a 7.30 pm start. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with friends and to hear a guest speaker who might relate a recent trip or discuss topics related to the environment or safety in the outdoors.

Border Bushwalking Club – Tuesday walk

Check the event description for venue details

Today’s walk is around the Albury end of Nail Can Hill, including the Botanic Gardens and The Monument. It is 8.5 km in length and there is a climb of […]